What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles are creases, folds, or ridges in the skin. They naturally appear as people get older. Wrinkles also tend to appear on parts of the body that receive most sun exposure, such as the face and neck, back of the hands, and arms. 1

What causes wrinkles?


As you get older, your skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile. Decreased production of natural oils dries your skin and makes it appear more wrinkled.

Repeated facial expressions

Facial movements and expressions, such as squinting or smiling, lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time you use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin. 


Smoking can accelerate the normal aging process of your skin, contributing to wrinkles. 

Exposure to UV light

Facial movements and expressions, such as squinting or smiling, lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time you use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin. 2

Types of wrinkles

Dynamic expression lines

Dynamic expression lines differ from static wrinkles in that they are temporarily formed while making a facial expression, whereas the appearance of static wrinkles remains even when your face is at rest. Dynamic wrinkles, however, can become permanent static wrinkles over time.

Elastic creases

These are the small creases that often form on the cheeks, upper lip and neck. Elastic wrinkles are the result of years of exposure to the sun’s UV rays, air pollution, cigarette smoke and other environmental factors that can be sources of oxidative stress.

Atrophic wrinkles

The deep furrowed wrinkles that run parallel between the eyes, which are often referred to as “11 lines,” are considered atrophic wrinkles. These lines form with the gradual breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin and, like other types of wrinkles, can worsen with sun exposure.

Gravitational folds

As part of the natural aging process, the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin begins to decline, resulting in sagging skin.

Compression wrinkles

These happen when your face is compressed or squished into a surface like your pillow, leaving behind wrinkles that may gradually fade throughout the day or could become permanent. 3